The Association of Graphic Designers of Asturias (AGA) was founded on May 21st, 1990, with the main objective of spreading and raising awareness in society as a whole (companies, consumers, education, institutions, etc.) about the importance of our professional group, at least as necessary as any other labor discipline. To transmit that graphic design is not a superfluous expense, but rather an investment that facilitates the understanding, knowledge and dissemination of things, it is part of the everyday and the extraordinary. Few professions are as present in daily life as ours.
28 Dec | 2022
AGA | Association of Graphic Designers of Asturias
The Association of Graphic Designers of Asturias (AGA) was founded on May 21st, 1990, with the main objective of spreading and raising awareness in society as a whole (companies, consumers, education, institutions, etc.) about the importance of our professional group, at least as necessary as any other labor discipline. To transmit that graphic design is […]